We are patriotic Americans.
We love the U.S.A, so January 6, 2021 was a sad day for our country.
To move forward as one nation we need a fact-based investigation like the one the bipartisan January 6
House Select Committee is holding. If we know what went wrong we can take steps to fix the problems.
The first step is getting a full picture of the events of the day.
The House Select Committee needs to know that it has the support of the American people.
We ask that on the sixth day of every month at 6:00pm,
you commit to celebrating and safeguarding our democracy by:

Sending a tweet or message to Members of Congress
I love the U.S.A.
To safeguard our future
Examine the past
Please support the
January 6 Committee
- or -
We love the U.S.A.
Thank you, January 6 Committee
We’re listening
We’ve got your backs
Join neighbors on your street corner with signs in support of the January 6 Committee
and post on social media
Sign suggestions:
To safeguard our future,
Examine our past
Support the January 6 Committee
- or -
Thank you, January 6 Committee
We’re listening
We’ve got your backs
Go to your window or outside and bang a pot or pan
and post on social media
Chant suggestions:
U.S.A. U.S.A.
Jan 6. Jan 6.
U.S.A. U.S.A.
To safeguard our future,
Examine our past
U.S.A. U.S.A.
Jan 6. Jan 6.
U.S.A. U.S.A.
The goal is to get large numbers of Americans to spend just five to ten minutes once a month to signal support of one of the most crucial investigations in our nation's history.